Our Little Fluffernutter

I was going through the pictures we have of Kailani and I found one we took of her just before her getting her haircut.


The cutest little ball of fur! Yes, it was definitely time for a trim! She really doesn’t like going to the groomers. we tried 3 different ones that were recommended to us and after the last trip (this was the 2nd time seeing this particular groomer) and she shivered and shook and whined and cried…she was truly scared! We decided that was enough. We got a grooming table and all the trimming accessories and I’ve done the trimming while Sean always helps with the bathing and nail clipping. She may not be crazy about being fussed over, but it’s a lot less stressful on all of us now!

 This is the sad devastated look she had after her last trip to the groomer…10-16-2014-2

And this is how she looks when Mommy trims her hair…SAM_0387crop

She didn’t want to keep her head still for the trimming that day, but that was o.k., she was better a couple of days later and let me finish.

The really cool thing also is the grooming table and accessories paid for themselves after the first couple of times. Way cheaper than visiting the groomer!

Happy St. Patty’s Day “Cheezy” Faced Girl

I couldn’t find any pictures of Kailani wearing green, so I thought I’s just share a cute one of her after she ate one of  her favorite treats – nutritional yeast. If you’ve ever eaten it you know it has a cheesy flavor, so that’s what we ask her if she wants some “cheeze”. She likes it in her food, but even better all by itself and as a result she ends up wearing quite a bit of it. But you have to admit it doesn’t take away from her cuteness at all! cheezyfaceKailani3-2015-3

Kinda looks like she ate herself in to a cheezy stupor! 😀

Happy St. Patrick’s Day from Kailani everyone!

Time to Vote…


Surprisingly enough this wasn’t Kailani’s first time voting. She also voted for the primary. But this time she got to help her mom vote for her Grandma A.J. Maimbourg for Assembly, District 2 here in Vegas. She’s crossing her paws for her choices to win.


Kailani’s First Halloween


First of all I must say that Halloween is the worst holiday for puppies and dogs that get stressed and go crazy over hearing the doorbell! What’s even worse is that if Kailani hears a doorbell on the TV she thinks it’s ours and goes nuts! She barks and gets all stressed out that somebody is invading our home…poor baby! Do you have any idea just how many doorbells go off during Halloween shows and movies on TV? Too many! J So we thought we’d go to see the new Downtown Summerlin here in Vegas during the peak trick or treat times to avoid her any undue stress. It turned out to be not the best idea. It was loud. I don’t know if the D.J. was deaf or their sound system was suck on 11, but we could hardly hear each other talk. What were they thinking? The place was packed with families and small kids as well as dogs for the trick or treating and dog costume contest. Oh, the poor eardrums of the kiddos and puppers!  It was also way over stimulating for Kailani with all the people. Too much excitement. Then the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back was a dancing fountain. Another thing that stresses our little girl out is the sprinkler system in our backyard garden. She sits by the French doors and barks to high heaven when they go off. This fountain was just too much like the sprinklers, but with all the activity she started to shiver and shake and whimper. All that and it was windy, too…another thing that scares her. It was time to go home. It wasn’t the best Halloween for her. She did make an adorable pumpkin for my vintage Marilyn Monroe pin-up witch costume! No one noticed me with her looking so cute! What a living doll she is!! Maybe next year it won’t be so traumatic.